Musings On My Weight

Ever since I could remember I’ve been engaged in some form of exercise or the order. I am always baffled at how I got to be a whooping size 20 and gradually creeping into size 22. Don’t gasp too muchmuch, that was almost 4 years ago. 

How did I turn a corner? It started with a dress. Late 2011,i think September, I made a black and pink dress for a wedding. It cost me some money when I think about how much I was paid back then so I saved it for special occasions. In March of 2012, it was a battle to fit into this lovely black dress I had worn months before. The dress tore that day while at the afternoon gathering and it took the help from a colleague and several safety pins to hold it together till I could bolt out of the venue. 

That embarrassing situation got me thinking about my health, my weight and my state of mind. It made me sit up and take my life seriously as at the time my blood pressure was through the roof.

There were a lot of false starts and reboots; experiments with exercises, exercise equipments and instructors [Shaun T, Charlene Johnson and Jillian Michaels are my absolute favorites]; diet mishaps, shakes and mixtures. Through it all, my eyes are on the prize – I have a dream, that one day I’ll fit into a size 14 dress and all will be well with the world. 

Till that day comes, I’ll be up every morning dancing, running or lifting weights and doing all I can to remain healthy in spirit, mind and body. 

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